Nitrogen Management on Dairy Farms
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Precision Forage Management

Significant reductions in nutrient imports can only be realized by more precise management at every step along the farm system. Opportunities to reduce nutrient imports exist within the soil/crop subcomponent of the farm system. It involves managing the nutrients that remain on the farm to the greatest degree possible for the sustained production of high yielding, high quality crops while minimizing nutrient losses to the environment and degradation of land. It requires a shift from the use of insurance nutrient applications and book values in crop plans and herd diets to practices grounded in precision management and optimizing nutrient use efficiency.

With a focus on the crop and soil management side of the dairy farm, what can we do to minimize nutrient imports and losses to the environment? Below are some considerations for evaluating how well nutrients in soil, organic matter, and from applications are used by field crops and delivered to the next enterprise on a dairy farm (e.g. feed storage or the herd).

  1. Keep good records of crop yields, rotations and manure applications.
  1. Select the crop to meet the soil and environmental conditions.
  1. Know your crop requirements and apply nutrients only when they are needed.
  1. Manage the crop for optimum yield and quality.
  1. Keep the ground covered.
  1. Manage manure wisely.