Manure Sampling
Determining the availability of manure N starts with a good manure sample
and test.
sampling basics
- Take at least 1 sample per year per manure system.
Unless never sampled, then 2 samples in first 6 months.
- Sample from the spreader (best if manure storage is
agitated beforehand).
- Take at least 5 samples while loading over a couple
days and refrigerate between days.
- Mix the samples into a jar and send it to lab (~1
lb composite sample).
- The nutrient management plan should be based on a
running average analysis per manure system.
Manure nutrient content can vary widely among farms (see the ASAE
Manure Production and Characteristics), so it's critical to analyze
each farm's manures.
To read more on this subject: ASAE
Manure Production and Characteristics.