Mass Nutrient Balance Case Studies
Opportunities for changing the farm mass nutrient balance exist throughout the entire dairy farm system. Guide your cursor over the “question marks” in the whole farm diagram, below, to explore some of those opportunities.
Ongoing work on several NY farms indicates that 60-80% of the N imported through feed, fertilizer, biological N fixation, etc. does not leave the farm through the sale of products (meat, milk, animals, crops). For a more in-depth look into dairy farm mass nutrient balances and the management changes that can impact them, consider the case studies, below.
Implementation of Nutrient Management Planning on a Dairy Farm.
Phosphorus Reduction Through Precision Feeding of Dairy Cattle.
Impact of dairy farming on well water nitrate level and soil content of phosphorus and potassium.
Improving Dairy Farm Sustainability I: An Approach to Animal and Crop Nutrient Management Planning.
A Sensitivity Analysis of Nitrogen Losses from Dairy Farms